#GraphCast: Current Leverages Neo4j for a Modern Banking Approach

Content & Media Associate
1 min read

Welcome to this week’s #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight.
Last time, our Managing Editor, Deb Cameron, featured a podcast with our very own Amy Hodler on real-world examples of knowledge graphs and why they’re becoming such a big area of interest.
This week, I’ve chosen to highlight yet another use case featuring Trevor Marshall, the CTO of Current, a leading U.S. challenger bank serving Americans overlooked by the traditional financial services.
In this video, Trevor briefly explains how Current employed Neo4j’s graph database as a flexible framework for building innovative banking products that leverage relationships. For him, choosing Neo4j as Current’s primary graph database was easy, as Cypher – which was created at Neo4j – is now the graph standard.
Ultimately, utilizing Neo4j, which is the most prevalent and standard graph technology, was extremely important for Current, due to the unique nature of graph databases. Watch more to see how Neo4j was able to provide the best possible graph experience for Current!
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